Sunday, November 8, 2009

Chicken Soup for the Soul & Body

These days it's rainy in the evenings. And yesterday I really felt like having a hot bowl of soup. It also helped that there was some chicken stock in the fridge. I diced one carrot and one onion and grabbed 2 handfuls of sweet corn. Boiled and drained the corn. Then I sauteed the onions and carrot in butter. Added the corn. Did all this on low heat. Then added 600 ml of water. You may wonder how I came to use exactly 600 ml. Well in most ready-made soups, they use about this much:) SO I figured this would be the right amount. So I added the water and allowed everything to boil and added some black pepper powder and salt. Into this I added shreds of chicken,the chicken stock and some chicken bones. Also added a pinch of sweet basil for flavouring. When you are ready to serve, you may want to remove the chicken bones. It's really comforting to have some soup on a wet day.


Maria John said...

What a coincidence...I had thick hot tomato soup yday .... its raining very heavily here....

Anto said...

I hav to try it out (maybe should too maria....)