Thursday, January 17, 2008

The Peaziest Mushroom Soup in the World!!!

I just have to have to share this with you all. As soon as I saw the packet of button mushrooms sitting on the kitchen counter, I knew I had to make something with it just then. It had to be easy and the ingredients needed to be at-hand. Since it was already 8.30 or so in the night . So I flipped the Everyday Cookbook published by Hamlyn. I think the author is Marguerite Patten. Went to the index and scanned the M section & soon enough I found myself on the page for mushroom soup. I did not follow the quantities to a "T". So I"ll tell you how I went about it.
I took one packet of Button mushrooms and chopped them finely. This I cooked in a big tablespoonful of butter for approximately 5 mts. Then I added and mixed flour, approximately one fourth of an American cup. I kept stirring this for roughly 3 mts. Then I put the flame off. And mixed 2 cups of water and 1 cup of milk. ( All American cups)....Then put the pot to boil. Added salt and black pepper and chopped parsley. Then allow it to simmer for a while.
I think we should have soup for dinner everyday since it fills your stomach and prevents you from eating too much of other stuff.


Unknown said...

Sounds like a nice quick recipe - perfect for a quick meal late at night!

Umsy said...'s quick, healthy & tasty...recently i read about this starlet who prefers soups for dinner as it's light...and they say it's better to have light meals at night...