Wednesday, September 30, 2009

An easy Brinjaal Curry

I think I started liking Brinjaal after eating Bhaingan Ka Bhartha which is a North Indian curry which goes well with chappathi and the like. Later on I discovered that many tasty things can be made out of Brinjaal. The recipe I now pen is what my mom told me and my ears perked up when I heard that it is easy to make. I must say the idea is hers but I went by my gut feeling and availability when it came to the condiments used.Anyhow here is how I went about it. Took half an onion and sliced. Took a small pressure cooker and fried this. Added turmeric, red pepper powder, cumin, and kept stirring. Into this I added 2 potatoes and 3 small brinjaals diced. Plus one small green pepper. Added methi leaves. Salt only a lil. Added water at level with the veggies. If the water is to little, it may stick to the pan. Closed the lid and waited for 5 whistles. Then open and stirred and adjusted the salt. How easy was that???
I wuld like to dedicate this to young doctors preparing for the USMLE or similar exams. I say medicos, since its' not easy for them with all the reading they have to do, plus the cooking.
My observation is that if you wait for half an hour the flavours blend in and its' tastier.

By the way the pressure cooker is a must for those who wish to pursue the path of simple, fast and easy cooking. Its' a must have.

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